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All interested organizations and individuals:

The increasing number and age of in-service bridges worldwide, the accelerating environmental and climate changes, extreme traffic and accidental loads, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and windstorms result in accelerated degradation of bridge structures and their functions. There is also a need to meet the ever increasing social demands for transportation capacity and speed. Addressing the safety and sustainability issues such as long-term strength, reliability, durability, resilience, and service quality over the entire life cycle are essential considerations.

To promote the application and development of jointless bridges, the International Association of Jointless Bridges (IAJB) initiated and organized the International Symposium on Jointless & Sustainable Bridges (ISJSB). The first three International Symposiums (ISJSB’2016, ISJSB’2019 and ISJSB’2022) were successfully organized by Fuzhou University, Northeast Forestry University, and Fujian University of Technology in 2016, 2019 and 2022, respectively. The 4th International Symposium (ISJSB 2025) will be held in October 2025 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. The organizing committee welcomes your contributions (technical papers and presentations).

The details are as follows.


Data and schedule (preliminary): 5-8 October, 2025.

Language: English.

Format: In-person.


Technology Application and Development for Sustainable and Jointless Bridges.


(1) Review of research and application of jointless bridges;

(2) Soil-structure interaction in integral abutment bridges (IABs);

(3) Seismic response and rehabilitation using jointless bridges;

(4) Design and analysis of jointless bridges;

(5) Retrofitting of existing bridges with joints into jointless bridges;

(6) Application of new and high Performance materials for jointless bridges;

(7) Health monitoring of jointless bridges;

(8) Technologies for sustainable bridges;

(9) Bridge durability;

(10) Bridge life-cycle costs;

(11) Impact of climate change on bridge engineering;

(12) New Technologies for intelligent construction of jointless bridges.


Chairman: Bruno Briseghella (Fuzhou University, P.R. CHINA)


Anastasios Sextos (Bristol University, UK)

Aurelio Muttoni (Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology, SWISS)

Bao-chun Chen (Fujian University of Technology, P.R. CHINA)

Beppe Marano (Fuzhou University, P.R. CHINA)

Bijan Khaleghi (Florida International University, USA)

Bruno Briseghella (Fuzhou University, P.R. CHINA)

Camillo Nuti (Roma Tre University, ITALY)

Cheng-yu Li (University of Colorado, USA)

Christian Cremona (Cerema Est Co., Ltd, FRANCE)

Choi Donguk (Hankyong National University, KOREA)

Fu-yun Huang (Fuzhou University, P.R. CHINA)

Habib TabatabaiUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

Ian Buckle (University of Nevada Reno, USA)

Jian-zhuang Xiao (Guangxi UniversityChina)

Khaled Sennah (Toronto Metropolitan University, CANADA)

Linda Kuo (IABEE, USA)

Ming XuTsinghua University, China

Murat Dicleli (Middle East Technical University, TURKEY)

Qiu-hong Zhao (Tianjin University, P.R. CHINA)

Rosemarie Helmerich (Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research, GERMANY)

Steve Denton (The Institution of Civil Engineers, UK)

Tamon Ueda (Shenzhen University, P.R. CHINA)

Tian-lai Yu (Northeast Forestry UniversityCHINA)

Vinnay Gupta (Indian Association of Bridge EngineersINDIA)

Voo Yen Lei (Botra University, Malaysia)

Yong-jian Liu (Chang an University, P.R. CHINA)

Yuan-feng Wang (Beijing Jiaotong University, P.R. CHINA)

Yeong-bin Yang (Chongqing University, P.R. CHINA)

Yi-yan Chen (Shenzhen Industrial prospecting Geotechnical Group Co., LTD, CHINA)

Yi-zhou Zhuang (Zhejiang University of Technology, P.R. CHINA)

Zlatko Šavor (University of Zagreb, Croatia)


Chairman: Habib Tabatabai (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)

Vice-chairman: Khaled Sennah (Toronto Metropolitan University, CANADA)


Prof. Hani Titi (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Prof. Konstantin Sobolev (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Fu-yun Huang (Fuzhou University)

Jun-qing Xue (Fuzhou University)

Ahad Javanmardi(Fuzhou University)

Alessandro Contento(Fuzhou University)


Hosts: International Association of Jointless Bridges (IAJB)

Executive Organizers: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM);Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU); Fuzhou University (FZU)

Co-sponsors: International Association of Bridge Earthquake Engineering (IABEE);Fujian University of Technology

Supporting Organizations: Structural Engineering Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


(1) Leaders and experts worldwide specializing in bridge design, construction, scientific research, supervision and management.

(2) Bridge engineers and technicians from state and municipal units featuring scientific research, design, construction, supervision, quality supervision, management, and maintenance;

(3) University researchers and students majoring in civil engineering;

(4) Companies that produce and represent bridge products and manufacturers of related equipment;

(5) Other participants from relevant units.


- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Habib Tabatabai (+1 414-229-5166)


Address: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA

- Fuzhou University

Fuyun Huang +86 13850136497

Junqing Xue +86 13850152456


Address: No.2, Wulongjiang North Avenue, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, P.R. China

August 2024

Prev Article: Warm Congratulations on the Successful Convening of the Second Meeting of the 3rd Executive Committee of the International Association of Jointless Bridges (IAJB)

Next Article: The second announcement of ARCH’23 Conference



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