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I. Guiding ideology

According to the overall deployment of the knowledge innovation project in Fujian Province, the Laboratory will aim to meet the major needs of the scientific frontier at home and abroad and Fujian Province, stick to the orientation of both basic and applied research, adhere to the operation mechanism of "openness, mobility, association and competition", refine disciplinary directions, gather innovative talents, build innovation bases, further strengthen the construction of the laboratory system, optimize the layout of the disciplinary structure, promote interdisciplinary crossover, enhance the comprehensive integration and sharing of resources, thus becoming the core force of basic research and high-tech frontier exploration in China.

(II) Basic principles

1. Adhere to the people-oriented principle, take the construction of an excellent innovation team as the core, and create favorable environment and conditions for talents to give full play to their innovation potential and to stand out. 2. Stick to the close integration of laboratories, projects, and talents, and the development of the Laboratory with undertaking major sci-tech tasks, carrying out important international and domestic cooperation, and cultivating talents. 3. Strengthen the organic connection between original innovation and technological innovation, pay attention to the rational layout of exploratory basic research and applied basic research, and focus on the organic linkage between basic research, technological innovation, and achievement transformation.

III. Construction goals

The experimental equipment, experimental teaching level and effect, scientific research team and level, as well as management and operation of the laboratory on engineering structure are expected to reach the advanced level of similar laboratories in China, and we will strive to apply for national laboratory accreditation. It is expected to comprehensively enhance the scientific research capacity of the Laboratory, create a high-level scientific research team and innovation team, enter the domestic frontier in several important research interests, make some technological progress of great significance to the economic development, national defense construction and social progress of Fujian Province in the high-tech field, and build the Laboratory into an important base of knowledge innovation and technological innovation in civil engineering in Fujian Province with a domestic advanced level. 1) The experimental equipment, experimental teaching level and effect, laboratory management and operation of the Laboratory are expected to reach the advanced level of similar laboratories in China, and we will strive to apply for accreditation of key laboratory jointly built by the provincial government and the Ministry of Education. 2) Through the talent introduction and cultivation, we will build an academic echelon with profound academic attainments and reasonable structure, create a high-level scientific research team and innovation team, enter the domestic frontier in several important research interests, make several technological advances of great significance to the economic development, national defense construction and social progress of Fujian Province, and build the Laboratory into an important base of knowledge innovation and technological innovation in civil engineering in Fujian Province with a domestic advanced level. 3) During the two-year construction period, we will strive to get approval for 2-3 national scientific research projects, and 8-12 provincial and ministerial level projects each year, and the annual average government-sponsored research funds value at more than CNY 3-4 million; we strive to get approval for 15-20 enterprise-sponsored research projects per year, and the funds for enterprise-sponsored research and technology development is expected to exceed CNY 5-6 million. We will make efforts to win 2-3 provincial and ministerial sci-tech progress awards and publish about 150 papers every year, of which 30-40% is to be retrieved in first-class journals and SCI, EI, and ISTP. We plan to publish 2-3 monographs and apply for 1-2 patents every year. 4) We will strive to advance the civil engineering discipline by 2-3 places from its current ranking of 19 in China, build a first-level discipline doctoral and master's programs in civil engineering and the post-doctoral program in civil engineering, and make "New Civil Engineering Technologies and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation" a national key discipline. 5) We will continue to consolidate the scientific research cooperation and exchange relationships established with universities and research institutes at home and abroad; continue to give full play to the guiding role of the employed honorary professors, part-time professors, famous or well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad in the construction of the project; and hold two national academic conferences during the construction period. 6) Relying on the first-level discipline doctoral and master's programs in civil engineering, we will strengthen the training of master's degree candidates and improve the scale and quality.

IV. Director of "Fujian Provincial University Key Laboratory on Engineering Structures"

After the plenary meeting of the Academic Committee of the College of Civil Engineering, Prof. Fang Zhenzheng was appointed as the Director of the "Fujian Provincial University Key Laboratory on Engineering Structures". Prof. Fang Zhenzheng (1949- ): Male, master's degree, doctoral supervisor, and former Vice President of Fuzhou University. He is an expert enjoying the special government allowance of the State Council, a first-class responsibility professor of Fuzhou University, the 6th vice chairman of the Civil Engineering and Architectural Association of Fujian, and a member of the National Steering Committee of Civil Engineering Teaching of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China. He has long been engaged in teaching and scientific research on civil engineering, and his main works are Theory and Application of Prestressed Structures (China Architecture & Building Press, 2005), Bridge Engineering (China Architecture & Building Press, 2004), Unbonded and Partially Prestressed Structures (China Communications Press, 1999). He has published more than 50 papers in the China Civil Engineering Journal, Building Structure, Earthquake Engineering, and Engineering Dynamics, Journal of Fuzhou University. He has also won one first prize and three second prizes in Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award and published more than 60 academic papers. He has participated in the construction and scientific research of major and key projects in Fujian Province for many times, and has made important contributions to the development of the local economy in Fujian Province.

V. Major research interests

1. High-performance concrete and prestress technology

2. Steel and composite structures

3. Theory, design and control of new bridge structures

4. Health monitoring, maintenance, and reinforcement of bridges

5. Seismic resistance, mitigation, and isolation

6. Modern structural measurement technology

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